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Bee Rai Okos Kontamina Ho Mina Iha Area Suai (Debos)

Informasaun refere hato’o husi komunidade Debos ba iha Ministerio Petróleo e Recursos Minerais (MPRM) iha data 28 Fulan Janeiru 2016. Kontaminasaun be’e ne’e komunidade hetan hafoin halo perfurasaun be’e rai okos iha metru 35 husi rai leten. Entretantu, Instituto Petróleo e Geologia – Instituto Público (IPG) nudar instituto Governo Timor Leste ne’ebe tutela iha MPRM […]

9 years ago
LiDAR Project

9 years ago
Anunsiu candidatus selesionadus

9 years ago
Aktividade Seismisidade Iha Timor-Leste (Abstratu)

Timor Leste hanesan parte ida husi archipelagu ne’ebe’ mak forma zona subduksaun Indo-Australia. Archipelagu ida ne’e uniku iha kontekstu global tamba parte paralelu rua husi korenti ilha arku (arc island) agora, arku vulkaniku interior (inner volcanic arc) no arku la vulkaniku exterior (outer non-volcanic arc). Ilha Timor hanesan parte husi arku la vulkaniku exterior ne’ebe’ […]

9 years ago
Lokalizasaun Estasaun Seismiku Iha Timor-Leste

Instituto Petróleo e Geologia (I.P.G) Timor Leste estabelese iha tinan 2012 tuir dekretu lei no. 33/2012. Objektivu importante husi institutu ida ne’e mak atu halao servisu hodi nasaun nia naran atu halao estudu ne’ebe’ mak iha relasaun ho Petróleo, Minerais no Geolojia. Aktividade sira ne’e oi-oin, mak hanesan aktividade iha rai maran no tasi laran […]

9 years ago
2016 EAGER project plan

9 years ago
IPG kria Estandardizasaun ba Formatu Mapa Jeolojia

Instituto do Petróleo e Geologia (IPG) hanesan Instituto Público Governo Timor Leste nian ne’ebé estabelese iha tinan 2012, liu husi decreto lei no. 33/2012 de julho 2012 ho objetivu prinsipal atu koleta dadus jeolójikus, halo estudu no investigasaun sientífiku, no produz informasaun jeolójiku, inklui rekursus minerais, petróleo no gas. Mapa jeolojia hanesan mapa ida ne’ebé […]

9 years ago
IPG has signed an agreement with Geological Agency of Indonesia

President of Institute of Petroleum and Geology (IPG) Mr. Hélio Casimiro Guterres, says that IPG has signed an agreement with Geological Agency of Indonesia to implement equivalent study to regulate and identify natural resources of Timor Leste border.   This year IPG and BGI established joint study in Oecusse to investigate available natural resources. The joint […]

10 years ago