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Recent earthquake:


12 Apr 2019 | 6 years ago

PGA is an indicator of ground acceleration occurring in one place due to earthquakes. Based on peak ground value obtained can be determined the amount of intensity value generated by the earthquake. Information about peak ground acceleration value and distribution PGA is important to know in the planning and construction of earthquake infrastructure. Knowing the distribution of the peak ground acceleration value in a region, it can be mapped locations that are prone to damage when an earthquake occurs. To determining and calculate the PGA and intensity value based on the historical data of seismicity in Timor Leste. Timor Leste have 3 highest maximum Peak Ground Acceleration, there are:  Hatu-Udo administrative, Ermera Administrative, and Maubisse Administrative. For more information and high-quality resolution of the Map, please feel free to contact the IPG office, at Rua, Delta I, Aimutin, Comoro, Dili, Timor-Leste, Office Number (+670-3310179).