Opening hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00

Recent earthquake:

The Institute of Petroleum and Geology (IPG), established in 2012 based on Decree-Law nº 33/2012 of July 18, is public institution of the Timor-Leste Government, under the supervision of the Ministério do Petróleo e Recursos Minerais (MPRM) with the objective of developing geological studies of mineral resources, including Timor-Leste’s oil and gas, using modern technical and scientific basis, enabling the development of the country.


  1. To manage geological and geophysical information relating to petroleum resources, in particular by serving as a basis for
    the exploration, evaluation, development, exploration and production of petroleum resources, promoting knowledge of these
    resources and contributing to their preservation, valorization and utilization, as well as studies necessary to develop the oil
    extraction industry and participate in the definition and implementation of policies in these areas;
  2. To coordinate and promote all activities with a view contributing to the knowledge and research of the geology of the
    territory of the country and the maritime zones under its national jurisdiction, centralizing all geological and geophysical
    information, promoting research and development and use of information technology, management and dissemination of
    geological information, as well as the creation of a national geological registry.

While the mission of the IPG’S firmly focused on mineral and petroleum resources, it has experienced a growing demand for geoscience information to address issues of groundwater, geothermal, infrastructure planning, environment and related geological risks including earthquake, landslide, and coastal erosion and flooding. This trend is likely to continue and, with a modest increase in capacity, IPG’s geological study would be well-positioned to meet this need.


To be a credible geosciences institution in the world.


The basis of IPG’s mandate is prescribed in the Decree-Law nº 33/2012 of July 18:

  1. To compile, select, process, update and reproduce inventories that enable the dissemination of information related to geology, petroleum resources and minerals, including information submitted to it by any public or private entities, whether enterprise or not, including the Authority National Petroleum and Minerals and Timor GAP;
  2. Produce and distribute geological maps and other thematic maps, as well as related literature, covering the national territory or maritime zones where Timor-Leste exercises sovereign rights;
  3. Promote, support and execute research and developments in the areas of pure of and applied geology, including in the field of petroleum research, mineral resources and groundwater resources, in order to obtain systematic geological knowledge of the national territory and maritime areas on which sovereign rights area applied, with a view to optimizing the exploitation and use of resourcs, and in order to promote, from a scientific perspective, social wlfare and national economic development; Manage and develop the National Geology Laboratory;
  4. Support and advise public bodies and institutions on matters or processes related to access to geological information, including engineering, environmental planning and management, mineral and groundwater resources management, civil protection, including terms of reference and procedures related to the granting of rigths to research and exploitation of national mineral and water resources;
  5. Accompany the scientific or technical work necessary to the process of preparing draft laws and regulations within the ambit of the IPG mission, advising the supervisory body in the exercise of this competence;
  6. Provide geology or related services to public and private entities that request it;
  7. Develop all activities that allow it to carry out the mission for which it was created.